Barstow Standard Stock Bull Ropes
Perfect for the Beginner! All ropes are braided tight and even with plenty of leather in the handhold, block, riser, and stock. These ropes have a 6 1/2 ft. long loop end and 7 1/2 ft. long tail. Handhold is 12 1/2" long with 3 fingers slack. All standard ropes come with sliding keepers on the loop end and hard tail only.
Comes standard with 3/4 Lace Leather Handle.
Barstow Standard Stock Bull Ropes
Perfect for the Beginner!
All ropes are braided tight and even with plenty of leather in the handhold, block, riser, and stock.
Ropes have a 6 1/2 ft. long loop end and 7 1/2 ft. long tail.
Handhold is 12 1/2" long with 3 fingers slack.
All standard ropes come with sliding keepers on loop end and hard tail only.
Comes standard with 3/4 Lace Leather Handle.
Left or Right handed